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Сочинение на тему я хороший сын? 10 предложений.

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i think that i'm a good son. i help my mother in everyday life and i think i can help her in future. i also try to understand my father, because he hopes that i'm a real man that will be smart in future. i think that child should help his or her parents in future, because they gave a child love and life. also, a good son should respect his family. i try to become more smart everyday, so i will have good job that will give me a lot of money. of course, i need to become better and change everytime. 

ответ:Paralympians - are very strong in mind and body! They participate in the Paralympics - games for the disabled. Traditionally the Paralympics held after the Olympic games , and since the 1988 summer Paralympics-at the same sports facilities. The summer Paralympic games have been held since 1960, and the winter Paralympic games since 1976.

 At Olympic games we can see body strength, and at Paralympics we can see willpower also. These people respectable! They have a lot of proplem at their life, but they decided going to their purpose. Paralympians are heroes of our time!

Паралимпийцы-очень сильные духом и телом! Они участвуют в Паралимпийских играх -играх для инвалидов. Традиционно Паралимпийские игры проводятся после Олимпийских игр, а начиная с летних Паралимпийских игр 1988 года -на тех же спортивных объектах. Летние Паралимпийские игры проводятся с 1960 года , а зимние- с 1976 года .

На Олимпийских играх мы видим силу тела, а на Паралимпийских - силу воли. Эти люди достойны уважения! У них много проблем в жизни, но они решили идти к своей цели. Паралимпийцы - герои нашего времени!

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