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Мне ответить на письмо! 7 класс! you have received a letter from your english pen-friend jane who writes: dear i am going to study russian! being bilingual has many advantages, you know, but it is very difficult for many people to achieve. what are the benefits of being bilingual or multilingual? maybe i should study chinese, or japanese. let me know what you think! write back soon. best wishes, jane заранее

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Ответы на вопрос:

dear jane,

it's great that you're going to study russian and be bilingual.of course it's very difficult but you should try because bilingual and multilingual have a lot of advantages. they can find a very good work because not many people know a lot of languages. and they can make their career very quickly. these people also have a lot of friends because people like people who know a lot, so they try to imitate them. and finally it's very interesting to know others languages, so just try to do this. by the way i think you should know that chinese and japanese languages more difficult than russian, but it's your choise, so good luck!

best wishes, (или другой вариант love

и твое имя в конце)


1. многие люди считают, что не будет каких-либо школ в будущем. вместо этого, студенты будут учиться у себя дома с персонального компьютера. 2. это правда, что технология играет большую роль в процессе обучения сегодня. во многих частях мира, студенты используют персональные компьютеры, чтобы написать свои школьные или вести записи лекций. более того, студенты идут в интернет, чтобы посмотреть полезную информацию или сделать онлайн курс

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