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Перевести предложения используя конструкцию put as as or not so as. он не такой усталый, как она. сегодня вода в реке не такая теплая как вчера. яблоки такие же вкусные, как сливы. темза такая же красивая, как волга. в прошлом году август был такой же жаркий, как июль. ее сын такой же вежливый, как и она. эта работа такая же интересная, как и твоя. экзамен был не таким труддным, как мы ожидали.

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Ответы на вопрос:

he is not so tired as she. the water in the river is not so warm as it was yesterday. apples are so delicious as plums. the thames is so beatiful as volga. in the last year august was as hot as july. her son is as polite as she.this work is as interesting as yours. examination was not so difficult as we expected.

salesgirl: good morning! what can i do for you?

sarah: could you let me see that green dress? i saw it in your window and i like the style and the colour very much.

salesgirl: i`m afraid, this dress will be too big for you. may i show you another dress in green? i think this one will fit you.

sarah: this is another style. let me try it on in your fitting-room. i think i like it too. it is very nice.

salesgirl: i see, you like the dress. it looks very fine on you.

sarah: i will buy it.

salesgirl: do you want anything else?

sarah: could you show me that light white shirt? i would like to buy it for my son. may i bring it back tomorrow, if this shirt doesn`t fit him?

salesgirl: sure, you can. it it doesn`t fit him, you can make a refund or exchange it.

sarah: all right.

salesgirl: would you pay cash?

sarah: no, i would like to pay by my credit card.

salesgirl: fine. thank you. here are your clothes.

sarah: thank you, too. good bye!

salesgirl: good bye!

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