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Переведите на язык 1.на стене карта 2.в неделе семь дней 3. на столе нет учебника 4. игрушки в коробках 5. в нашей библиотеке много новых книг

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.on the wall map 2. in the week of seven days 3. on the table there is no textbook 4. toys in boxes 5. in our library many new books

1. on the wall map 2.in the week of seven days 3. on the table there is no textbook 4. toys in boxes 5. in our library many new books

It is very interesting question, many people every day ask it to themself. but for me - it is easy - my choice is tell true to every human. there is one gold rule in over life - treat to another people so, how you want, that they treat to you.

Популярно: Английский язык