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Вставьте подходящий глагол в форме past simple. be (2), feed, take, start, visit, listen the children went to london. the tour hyde park in the morning. the ducks and squirrels there. then they of trafalgar square. the next stop british museum. they also the tower of london. the children the famous bell big ben. in the evening they very tired. see, find, help, be, put, catch, be one day the children were on the ship. the sea was quiet. suddenly they pirates' ship. the the children and in a dark room, but kevin steve and maggie. in the room the children the eighth magic pearl. kevin put the eight pearls together and saved the shell kingdom. kevin's parents happy. представьте, что ваш дядя работает в зоопарке. напишите, что он делал вчера. используйте следующие идеи: to come up to all the cages, to open them, to talk to the animals, to wash some of the animals, to give them food, to clean the cages, to bring water for the animals, to close the cages

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The children went to london. the tour started  at hyde park in themorning. the children  fed  the ducks and squirrels there. then they took  photos of trafalgar square. the next stop was  the british museum. they also visited  the tower of london. the children  listened  to the famous bell big ben. in the evening they were very tired.   one day the children were on the ship. the sea was quiet. suddenly they saw  the pirates' ship. the pirates  caught the children and put  them in a dark room, but kevin helped  steve and maggie. in the room the children found  the eighth magic pearl. kevin put the eight pearls together and saved the shell kingdom. kevin's parents were  very happy.my uncle is a zookeeper. yesterday he  came up to all the cages, opened  them, talked to the animals, washed some of the animals, gave them food, cleaned the cages, brought water for the animals, closed the cages. that was his usual day.

School is an integral part of any child's life! There you can make friends, learn new things and have fun. But still, in order not to cause chaos in the school, some rules are needed. Basic school rules - the usual snouts that are easy to implement. One of the elemantar rules is discipline, each student must come before the lesson begins. Also in the school there are many unspoken rules, for example, rudeness and rude vision has never been welcomed in schools. Although there are many rules in schools, but oam


Школа є невід'ємною частиною життя будь-якої дитини! Там ви можете завести друзів, дізнатися нові речі і отримувати задоволення. Але все-таки, для того, щоб не було хаосу у школі, потрібні деякі правила. Основні правила школи - звичайні правила , яких легко дотримуватись . Одним з елемантарнмх правил є дисципліна, кожен учень повинен прийти до початку уроку. Також у школі є багато не офіційних правил, наприклад, грубіянство і агресія ніколи не вважвлись нормою в школах в школах. Хоча є багато правил в школах, але там весело!

Сорі, на більше мені фантазіїї не хватить, можеш скомбінувати мою відповідь з відповідями інших :Р

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