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What is the little dinosaur doing in the sky? переведите и ответьте на вопрос.+

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Ответы на вопрос:

Что маленькие динозавры делают в небе? small dinosaur flying in the sky.

"что маленький динозавр делает в небе? ". it flies and enjoes sky. 

Study, have, -like-, drive, speak, play, do, eat, read. 1 + my father reads  the times (если  the times-тгазета) 2 - her house is big, but, it has  a garden 3 + we speak  french very well. 4 - i eat fast food. 5 + she drives  a bmw, 6 - i play  computer games. 7 - my father does housework. 8 + he studies economics at university.

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