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Вставте пропуски! предлоги. i like my bedroom.i think it`s better than my sister`s room.it`s got a big white wardrobe ( door and there is a desk ( the wardrobe with my computer ( it. there are some book-shelves ( the wall ( the desk and the window. the bed is ( the corner of the room. everything is white and blue ( the room. the curtains ( the window are white and the carpet ( the floor is blue.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ilike my bedroom.i think it`s better than my sister`s room.it`s got a big white wardrobe (1) next to the door and there is a desk (2) opposite the wardrobe with my computer (3) on it. there are some book-shelves (4) on the wall (5) between the desk and the window. the bed is (6) in the corner of the room. everything is white and blue (7) in the room. the curtains (8) on the window are white and the carpet (9) on the floor is blue.

she was happily married. — она была счастлива в браке.

she was looking at me  anxiously - она смотрела на меня с тревогой.

a car was moving slowly. машина медленно двигалась.

саn you say it loudly? ты можешь это сказать громким голосом?

he was explaining it to me  patiently. он терпеливо все мне объяснил

he was looking at soup  hungrily он смотрел на суп с жадностью







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