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Задать все возможные вопросы к предложениям: 1)the scientists will develop a new type of laser next year.2) they play volley-ball very well.3)she studied german last year

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Общий 1) will the scientists develop a new type of laser next year? 2) do they play volley-ball very well? 3) did she study german last year? альтернативный 1) will the scientists develop a new type of laser or computer next year? 2) do they play volley-ball or basket-ball very well? 3) did she study german or italian last year? разделительный 1) the scientists will develop a new type of laser next year, won't they? 2) they play volley-ball very well, don't they? 3) she studied german last year, didn't she? специальный 1) when will the scientists develop a new type of laser ? what will the scientists develop next year? 2) how do they play volley-ball? what game dod they play very well? 3) what language did she study last year? when did she study german? к подлежащему 1) who will develop a new type of laser next year? 2) who plays volley-ball very well? 3) who studied german last year?

ответ: нет, не все в порядке!


в предложении одновременно и am, и do не может существовать. но так как время этого предложения - present continuous (мы это определили по окончанию глагола sitting), поэтому глагол "do" нужно убрать.

правильно записать предложение вот так:

i am not sitting on the chair.

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