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V. перепишите и заполните пропуск предлогами, где это необходимо. подчеркните предлоги. 1. why did you miss the last lecture … literature? 2. my friend’s going to have his exam … two days’ time. i hope he’ll do well … it, too.3. when i was away … holiday last year, i swam … the sea and sunbathed three hours a day. 4. as i’m going to stay … seaside, i’ll go … the beach early … the morning and be back home … eleven. 5. i had an interesting talk … them. 6. he always makes notes … all the lectures. if you want to use his notes, talk … him … it. 7. «how do i get … your brother’s? » – «i think you can get there … bus. hurry … i’m afraid you are late already». 8. what’s the matter … you? 9. he hasn’t seen the doctor yet, and i’m very sorry … it. 10. they’ve all gone … … the summer, and have left their dog …me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. why did you miss the last lecture in literature? 2. my friend’s going to have his exam in two days’ time. i hope he’ll do well in it, too. 3. when i was away on holiday last year, i swam in the sea and sunbathed three hours a day. 4. as i’m going to stay at the seaside, i’ll go to the beach early in the morning and be back home at eleven. 5. i had an interesting talk with them.6. he always makes notes of all the lectures. if you want to use his notes, talk with him about it. 7. «how do i get to your brother’s? » – «i think you can get there by bus. hurry up i’m afraid you are late already». 8. what’s the matter with you? 9. he hasn’t seen the doctor yet, and i’m very sorry about it. 10. they’ve all gone out for the summer, and have left their dog with me.

1.why did you miss the last lecture of literature? 2.my friend's going to have his exam in two days time.   i hope he'll do well in it, too.  3.when i was away on holiday last year, i swam in the 4.as i'm going to stay on seaside ,i'll go on the beach early in the morning and be back at home at eleven.  5.i had an interesting talk with them. 6.he always makes a notes of a lectures.  if you want to use his notes, talk to him about  it. 7. «how do i get   to yourbrother’s? » – «i think you can getthere by  bus. hurry up, i’m afraid you are late already».8. what’s the matter with  you? 9.he hasn’t seen the doctor yet, and i’m very sorry about it.10. they’ve all gone in the summer, and have left their dog to  me.

Pr. simple my brother feed the pet. pr.cont. my brother is feeding the pet. pr.perf. my brother has been feeding the pet.

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