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1/1перефразируйте следующие словосочетания используя притяжательный падеж. the briefcase of my friend, the dress of her daughter-in-law, the toys of the twins , the fiat of jack and susan, the photos of the simons , the son of my friend peter, the to of their children, the question of my son, the wife of my brother, the table of our teacher, the life of animals, the poems of lermontov ,

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Ответы на вопрос:

  my friend's briefcase her daughter-in-law's dress, the twins' toys , jack and susan's fiat,the simons' photos , my friend peter's son, their children's toys, my son's question, my brother's wife, our teacher's table,animals' life, lermontov's poems ,

kindly, shyly, coldly, angrily, wonderfully, madly, cheaply, slowly, softly, really.

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