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Выберите один из вариантов ответа: 1) there are six sweets left, which means that we can have three … (each, all, every, either) 2) she must be in her … by now (early thirty, early thirties, early thirty’s, early thirtieth) 3) he is at his desk early, and goes to bed … that the rest of the family (late, the latest, much more lately, much later) 4) a few days ago i received ….. letter from julia (a ten-page’s, a ten-page, a tenth-page, a ten pages) 5) you can paint the walls blue or green. … colour is fine with me (any, none, either, every) 6) the bronte family is respected for … place in english literature (her, its, theirs, their’s) 7) i was angry with ann and shouted. i’m sorry for that, i …. it. (couldn’t do, shouldn’t have done, mustn’t have done, might not do) 8) i can’t wake her up. she is …. asleep (much, fastly, late, lately, fast) 9) …the forecast said it would rain, it turned out to be a beautiful day. (in spite of, if, as, although) 10) the town hall clock played a different tune at 12 every day, …amused the tourists. (which, that, when, so)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) there are six sweets left, which means that we can have three … (each) 2) she must be in her … by now (early thirties) 3) he is at his desk early, and goes to bed … that the rest of the family (much later) 4)   a few days ago i received ….. letter from julia (a ten-page) 5) you can paint the walls blue or green. … colour is fine with me (either) 6) the bronte family is respected for … place in english literature (its) 7) i was angry with ann and shouted. i’m sorry for that, i …. it. (shouldn’t have done) 8) i can’t wake her up. she is …. asleep (fast) 9) …the forecast said it would rain, it turned out to be a beautiful day. (although) 10) the town hall clock played a different tune at 12 every day, …amused the tourists. (which)

1.eithev. 2. eavly thirties. 3. much move lately. 4. a ten-pages. 5. any. 6. theirs. 7. shouldn't have gone. 8. late. 9. although. 10. that.


1. i completely agree with the author of the blog, only knowledge is not enough to be in demand tomorrow's specialist. you need to be able to fantasize, to be responsible and adapted.

2. for my future work, i need to be: firstly a leader, stress-resistant, decisive, sociable, able to find unusual ideas and be responsible so that subordinates listen to me.

3. i want to try myself in many specialties and professions, it is possible that i will work in my specialty until the end of my life (i have not decided yet)

4. i will give an example of arnold schwarzenegger, first he turned from a bodybuilder into an actor, and then became the governor of california at the age of 56 years.

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