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Заполните пропуски артиклями) my friend and i often go theatre to new performances. we like going on saturday nights.last saturday i work at 3 o'clock and went home. i had and sat down easy-chair to . in i decided to go for a walk. it air was cold. there lot of snow in . i nice walk and at to six i came back. i phoned my friend and we decided to go theatre. we wanted to see performance art theatre.

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The the an a an a an a a a the

The - the - a the a an a the a the a - the the the

№1 1.last summer tiny played tennis 2.last summer tiny caught a big fish 3.last summer tiny read a books 4/last summer tiny watered the flowers 5/last summer tiny had a picnic wiht his frends №2 1.was 2.were 3.were,was 4.were №3 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.a №4 1. yes, i was 2. yes, they did 3.no, he was not 4.no, they were not 5.no, he did not №5 had, gave, took,sat,flew,visited,came,read,wrote,made.

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