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Ihave already been at home for a week because of the fly перевод

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Ответы на вопрос:

Сама переводила но какаята фигня получаеться вот  я уже был у себя дома в течение недели из-за мухи

Яуже был у себя дома в течение недели из-за мухи

he saw , how make toys on factory.

edward played a new game and passed ten levels.

simon paid a loan for the car.

the shoe store we visited a few days ago has closed.

the pants i bought last week are torn.

kate went to the best friend, and on path has bought a small cake.

i'm   thought , this is right answer.  

daniel copied elizabeth's homework.

he knew , that answered false. and he answered again   after class.

larisa has put violets in a vase

after school , arnold want spoke with his best friends.

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