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Прошу express the same using passive constructions.выразить то же самое с использованием пассивных конструкций. 1.we wasted a lot of time when we were looking for the right house. 2. people can do a lot to stop the destruction of forests. 3.people mustn't use nuclear weapons. 4.biologists will tell you a lot about extinct animals of our planet. 5.you ought to rewrite the text to make it look nicer. 6.you should pack these fragile cups very well or they may break.

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Alot of time was wasted when the right house was being looked for.  a lot can be done to stop  the destruction of forests.nuclear weapons mustn't be used.  a lot can be told about  extinct animals of our planet.  the text ought to be rewritten so that it will look nicer. (здесь немножко объясню. нам в этом предложении надо использовать "чтобы", но to + глагол (to make)  здесь уже не подойдет по смыслу (нельзя сказать - этот текст должен быть переписан чтобы сделать его лучше  ), поэтому вместо to make  it look nicer  используем  so that it will look nicer  (= чтобы) он выглядел лучше - so that как раз используется, когда в предложении есть слово will.) these fragile cups should be packed very well or they may be broken. 

1he lived in an old house without plumbing and electricity. 2thank you for doing your work as a designer honestly and professionally. 3most writers hate being criticized. 4is there a laundry room in the building?

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