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1)из действительного залога в страдательный they cancelled all flights because of fog they don't pay jim very much charles will show us the town my sister will look after the little girl the girl offered me a cup of coffe 2)выбрать время (present. past or future perfect) is sussan in,-yes she(just get)home when (finish) dinner she tok dishes to the kitchen (you be) to the cinema we hope it(stop)raining before we have to go after i(read) the magazine i gave it to my friend we (see) all the sights of london by the end of our holiday

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Ответы на вопрос:

All flights were cancelled because of fog jim isn't paid very much the town will be shown us by charles. we will be shown the town by charles. the little girl will be looked after by my sister a cup of coffe was offered me by the girl. i was offered a cup of tea. 2) is susan in? – yes, she (has just got) home when we (had finished) dinner she took dishes to the kitchen (you have been) to the cinema we hope it (will have stopped) raining before we have to go after i (had read) the magazine i gave it to my friend we (will have seen) all the sights of london by the end of our holiday

Is, are, isn't, is, b: (yes, he is), are, b: (yes, l'm), is, is, are, are, is, is, are, are, is, d: (yes, l'm)

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