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Сделать раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple/ past continuous. 1. william the conqueror … (land) in england in 1066. 2. the scots … (defeat) the english at bannockburn in 1314. 3. my friend … (come) to see me yesterday. 4. as he … (cross) the road, he slipped and fell. 5. my tooth … (break) when i … (eat) a hazel-nut. 6. he … (stop) when the policemen told him to. 7. as he … (die), he asked for a priest. 8. i told him the joke and he … (laugh). 9. i … (talk) about him when he suddenly came in. 10. as he … (eat), he could not answer clearly.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) landed 2) defeated 3) came 4)was crossing 5) broke, was eating 6) stopped 7) was dying 8) laughed 9) was talking 10) was eating

1. any
2. none
3. a lot
4. much
5. few
6. many

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