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Вставьте артикли 1. he can speak english. 2/ he is singing. do you know song? 3/i can sing well, i english and russian songs 4. at age of four david could read and write 5. there was apple in bag. where apple? 6. there was pen desk. where pen? 7. there longest ruler we have. 8. there is cup on table. shall i wash cup? 9. there are carpets on floor. do you like carpets? 10. there is picture on wall. i drew picture yesterday

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ничего не надо ставить 2.артикль "a" 3. ничего 4. the 5. an, the, an 6. a, the , a 7. the 8. a, the, the 9. ничего, the, ничего 10. a, the,  a

Last summer i went to the streets to buy apples. when i went to shop, i saw a little box. in that box was little cat. i thought it wasn't 1 year old. that cat had wery sad eyes and it was weak. if i didn't take that cat, it would die. i took it. now it's wery nice cat. it's name is lord. i saved it's life.

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