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Перевести на описание моей комнаты в моей комнате есть стол на нем стоит компьютер и стул . два шкафа,полка для книг. софа где я сплю.большое окно и дверь.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Threre is a table in my room. a computer and a  chair    stand near it. two wardrobe,  bookshelves.  the sofa where i sleep. a big mirror and a door. 

My room has a table with computer and a chair.two cupboards,bookshelf.the sofa where i sleep.big window and door
4,4(31 оценок)

1- our friends have already been to different countries. 2. they have gone to wales today 3. they have already done a lot of exciting things there. 4. but they haven't seen the strange animal yet.

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