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Мне нужно произношение 1. whet i m home, watching tv takes all of my time and i have no time for my lessons. 2. peopl waste a lof of time watching ruddish: third-rate films, stupid talk shows and annoying adverts. 3.peopl have turned into slaves of tv. they do not read and cannot communicate without tv. 4.because of tv, people don t do any sports.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  [wɛt  aɪ  ɛm  həʊm,  ˈwɒʧɪŋ  ˌtiː  ˈviː  teɪks  ɔːl  ɒv  maɪ  taɪm  ænd  aɪ  hævnəʊ  taɪm  fɔː  maɪ  ˈlɛsnz ]2.  ˈpiːpl  weɪst  ə  lɒt  ɒv  taɪm  ˈwɒʧɪŋ  "ruddish":   ˈθɜːdˈreɪtfɪlmz,  ˈstjuːpɪd  tɔːk  ʃəʊz  ænd  əˈnɔɪɪŋ  ədˈvɜːts3. [ˈpiːpl  hæv  tɜːnd  ˈɪntuː  sleɪvz  ɒv  ˌtiːˈviː.  ðeɪ  duː  nɒt  riːd  ændˈkænɒt  kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt  wɪˈðaʊt  ˌtiːˈviː ]4. [bɪˈkɒz  ɒv  ˌtiːˈviː,  ˈpiːpl  dɒn  tiː  duː  ˈɛni  spɔːts]p.s. пишется p eople

                                                                                        your adress                                                                                           date dear friend, thanks for your letter, i was really glad to get it. sorry for not answering earlier. i was busy for going on a christmas  trip. at these weekend i'm going to great britain. i hope it will be amazing!     i'll travel to britain by a plane. i want to visit glasgow, bristol and, of course, london. they're so interesting and wonderful cities! for example, in glasgow there are so charming bridges and weather  and in bristol filmed the famous tv series "skins". and of course, everyone know  platform 9 3/4 on king's  cross station where people try to  pass through the wall everyday. so, what about your holidays? where will you go? who will be with you? anyway, i've got to go now. drop me a line when you can. best wishes. anastasia.

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