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Употребляя глаголы в present, past или future simple passive. 1.мне рассказали — мне рассказывают — мне расскажут 2.мне показали — мне показывают — мне покажут 3.ее — ее приводят — ее 4.нас спросили — нас спрашивают — нас спросят 5.нам ответили — нам отвечают — нам ответят 6.им дали — им — им дадут 7.ему — ему — ему 8.ему посоветовали— ему советуют — ему посоветуют 9.его забыли — его забывают — его забудут 10.его вспомнили — его вспоминают — его вспомнят 11.нас пригласили — нас приглашают — нас пригласят 12.его позвали — его зовут — его позовут 7 раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple passive. (usually) 1. the postbox (to empty) every day. 2. the stamps (to postmark) at the post office. 3. the letters (to sort) into the different towns. 4. the mail (to load) into the train. 5. the mailbags (to unload) after their journey. 6. the bags (to take) to the post office. 7. the letters (to sort) into the different streets. 8. the letters (to deliver).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i was told - i am told - i will be told 2. i was showed - i am showed - i will be shown 3. she was brought - she is brought - she will be brought 4. we were asked - we are asked - we will be asked 5. we were answered - we are answered - we will be answered 6. they were given - they are given - they will be given 7. he was helped - he is helped - he will be helped 8. he was advised - he is advised - he will be advised 9. he was forgotten - he is forgotten - he will be forgotten 10. he was remembered - he is remembered - he will be remembered 11. we were invited - we are invited - we will be invited 12. he was called – he is called – he will be called 7 1. the postbox (is emptied) every day. 2. the stamps (are postmarked) at the post office. 3. the letters (are sorted) into the different towns. 4. the mail (is loaded) into the train. 5. the mailbags (are unloaded) after their journey. 6. the bags (are taken) to the post office. 7. the letters (are sorted) into the different streets. 8. the letters (are delivered).

The seven wonders of nature.

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