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1. choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. 1) … (finish) the translation of the text, he left. a having finished b being finished c finished 2) … (read) the letter, he laughed. a having been read b after reading c read 3) … (hear) of my sister’s arrival, i let her friends know it. a on hearing br hearing c having been heard 4) … (loose) the key, the girl couldn’t open the door. a having lost b loosing c lost 5) the accused denied … (do) anything wrong. a doing b to do c having done 6) the antique car … (restore) by an expert this week. a is being restored b restored c was restored 7) space … (explore) by astronauts nowadays. a is exploring b is being explored c has explored 8) the company report … (write) by martin this year. a written b had written c is being written 9) much money … (spend) on weapons nowadays. a had spent b is being spent c will be spent 10) the bank robbers … (search) by the police now. a are being searched b are searching c had searched

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1а 2б 3а 4а 5с 6а 7б 8с 9б 10а

Прошедшее простое: we went fishing last thursday ; yesterday i came home at 7 o'clock; after that i watched tv прошедшее продолженное: i wasn't writing a poem when you came; he was walking home when somebody called his name; the boy was reading, while the girl was playing the piano. настоящее совершённое: i've lost my key; she hasn't done the test yet; mother has already cooked the dinner

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