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59. скажите что это не так. 1. it snows in august 2.it rains in february 3.it snowed yesterday. 4.there was much snow there last winter. 5. it snowing now. 6. there will be much snow there. 7. we shall pick leaves in the forest. 8. it will be cloudy tomorrow. 9. it rained last saturday. 10. it began to rain.

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Ответы на вопрос:

It doesn't snow in august. it doesn't rain in february. it didn't snow yesterday. there wasn't much snow there last winter. it isn't snowing now. there won't be much snow there. we shall not pick leaves in the forest. it won't be cloudy tomorrow. it didn't rain last saturday. it didn't begin to rain.

Reported Speech (general truth)

1) Мария с когда родился Шекспир.

2) Карл сказал, что приехал в Россию в году.

3) Все знают, что Колумб открыл Америку.

4) Учитель объяснил нам, что вода замерзает при температуре 0 градусов.

5) Борис сказал, что никогда не был в Лондоне.

1) Mary asked when Shakespeare was born.

2) Karl said that he came to Russia last year.

3) Everyone knows that Columbus discovered America.

4) The teacher explained to us that water freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees.

5) Boris said that he has never been to London.

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