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Написать текст на тему 1.people do not need sport to live happily 2.television and computer games will soon lead to dissapearing of books 3.there is no ideal school in the world ! надо для !

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Nowadays people don't need sport. it-technologies are ruling the world. you can chat all the time, read books on the pads or play games. people become lazier, so they don't need activities. i think this is not good. it's very hard now to get the book that you want in library. that book can be rare or too much cost. but now colorful games and television are more important and give more actual information. i think soon all the books will be in intenet, like games. nothing ideal is in the world, so school can't be perfect. there are many different people, that you may not like, subjects, that you don't understand or something else. you can every day complain with teachers about your marks. day in school bring to you positive and negative, so there is no ideal school.

Примитивные стиральные машины представляли собой деревянный ящик с подвижной рамой.первая стиральная машина, запущенная в серийное производство, была создана в 1907 году уильямом блэкстоуном, у неё был ручной привод (идут слухи что первую сделал натаниель бригс (nathaniel в европе первые стиральные машины начали производить немцы в 1900  г . современные машины с электрическим приводом появились в 1908 году. механизация труда практически к исчезновению профессии прачки. в 1949 в сша появилась первая автоматическая стиральная машина. primitive washing machines were a wooden box with a movable frame. the first washing machine, launched in series production, was created in 1907 by william blackstone, it had a manual drive (there are rumors that the first was made by nathaniel briggs). in europe, the first washing machines were started by the germans in 1900. modern machines with electric drive appeared in 1908. the mechanization of labor has practically led to the disappearance of the profession of a laundress. in 1949 the first automatic washing machine appeared in the usa.

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