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Закончи эти предложения и скажи что ты обычно(всегда,иногда,часто,никогда не) делаешь в указанное время: 1. at half past six 2. at a quartertj three i 3. at ten past seven i 4. at quarter to nine i 5. at two to twelve i предпологаемые концы предложений: get up watch television read books have breakfast have lanch have tea

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. at half past six i  usually have lunch 2. at a quartertj three i sometimes have tea 3. at ten past seven i always read books 4. at quarter to nine i often get up 5. at two to twelve i never watch tv

1.what do you do/are you doing this weekend,jane? 2.well, i have/am having lunch with my brother,and then we go/are going to a concert.3.really? how do you get/are you going there? 4. by bus. and the only one bus leaves/is leaving here at 10 o'clock.5. what time does the concert start/is the concert starting? 6. well, we meet/are meeting some friends at the concert hall at 4 o'clock and the concert actually begins/is actually beginning at 6.15

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