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Сделать по и вставить правильно слова в предложениях. 1) i (enjoy/enjoyed) doing different activities: climbing, biking. 2) now i (am/was) not afraid of water. 3) i (like/liked) talking to the girls there and now two of these girls (are/were) my good friends. 4) i enjoyed to (stay/staying) at the camp because i (have/had) a fantastic time there. 5) i hope i (go/will) go there next summer. i can not wait to go/

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Ответы на вопрос:

1enjoy 2 am 3 like, are 4 enjoyed staying, had 5 will,   to go.  

Магнитофон -  recorder, краски -  paints,  портфель -  portfolio.

Популярно: Английский язык