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Объедините два предложения в одно, используя present perfect continuous. 1) natasha began to write a composition an hour ago. she is still writing it. 2) he began to repair his motorbike in the morning. he is still repairing it. 3) it began to show half an hour ago. it is still snowing. 4) she began to bake a cake 30 minutes ago. she is still baking it. 5) they began to do aerobiks 4 vjnths ago. they are still doing it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) natasha has been writing a composition. 2) he has been repairing his motorbike. 3) it has been snowing. 4) she has been baking a cake. 5) they have been doing aerobikes.

1.when mark arrived, the johnsons were having dinner. 2. while tom was reading a book, martha was watching tv. 3. although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it had been raining hard for two hours. 4. the first modern olympics were in athens more than a hundred years ago. 5. i was sleeping when my friend called. 6. has he spoken about the opera before? 7. i didn’t wake him up, i knew he was very tired, because he had been working for 10 hours. 8. she was nervous because she had never flown before. 9. did you see him yesterday? 10. what were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?

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