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Как будет на данный текст. писатель учился в лицее. там он стал писать собственные стихи и сказки. он любил осень, и писал о ней стихи. известным он стал своим произведениям. он писал такие стихи как "морозное утро" или "деревня". буду за .. p.s автопереводчик не нужен!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Awriter was studying in lyceum. there he started to write his own poems and fairy-tails. he liked the autumn so much and wrote the poems about it. he became famous because of his works. he wrote "frizzy morning" and "village".

1 it was raining so we didn't go out

2 i had brought a sandwich so i had lunch

3 they weren't nervous because they didn't have an exam.

5they were happy because they had tickets to the theme park.

6 she hadn't brought her swimming costume so she didn't go swimming.

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