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Перевести предложения с на : 1. современные удобства есть почти во всех домах. 2. в нашем доме в деревне нет центрального отопления , но есть камин. 3. иметь электричество в дома - важно. 4. в вашем доме есть горячая вода? - да, конечно. 5. я часто пользуюсь пылесосом, убирая дом. 6. у вас есть стиральная машина? - нет, но мы собираемся купить её. 7. летом центральное отопление отключают во всех домах.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Modern facilities are found in almost all homes.  2. in our house in the village there is no central heating , but there is a fireplace.  3. to have electricity at home  it is very important.  4. your house has hot water? "yes, of course.  5. i often use the vacuum cleaner, cleaning the house.  6. you have a washing machine? "no, but we're going to buy it.  7. in summer, central heating off in all homes.

1. yesterday evening i went shopping with my mother.

2. i saw my friend at the party last week.

3. i was in moscow 2 years ago.

4. i finished school almost 5 years ago.

5. i was busy yesterday, i played chess with my father.



1. i didn't visit my grandparents last month.

2. she didn't want to help me with my test when i asked her.

3. my little sister didn't want to go bed yesterday.

4. they didn't go to that party last week.

5. i didn't go to the seaside last summer.


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