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Переведите, на язык. це кімната моєї мрії. в ній є ліжко, ліворуч від вікна стоїть стіл, на столі компютер. праворуч від стола є спортивний куток і гардероб.

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Ответы на вопрос:

It is a room of my dreams. it is the bed to the left of the window is a table, desk pc. to the right of the table is a sports corner and wardrobe

last saturday my sister betsy and i had our birthday party. we got a lot of presents. mum made a birthday cake. our cake was very tasty. dad gave us flowers. our   flowers were beautiful. grandma and grandpa sang " a birthday song ". their song was merry. we had a good time.   

Популярно: Английский язык