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Автор спутал все случаи употребления present perfect и simple past в этом . найти ошибки и объясните их. 1. she has read a lot of books last year. 2.we didnt go to the theatre this month. 3. did you have holiday this year? — not yet. 4. what are your plans for summer? — i didnt think about it yet. 5. weve discussed some of these problems last time. 6. when have you bought this car? — two years ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she has read (read) a lot of books last year. (сигнальное слово last year –  past simple) 2.we didnt go (haven't gone) to the theatre this month. (сигнальное слово this month – present perfect) 3. did you have (have you had) holiday this year? — not yet. (сигнальное слово this year – present perfect) 4. what are your plans for summer? — i didnt think (haven't thought) about it yet. (сигнальное слово not yet – present perfect) 5. we've discussed (discussed) some of these problems last time. (сигнальное слово last – past simple) 6. when have you bought (did you buy) this car? — two years ago. (с вопросом when? – всегда past smple)

1. she read a lot of books last year. - past simple потому что last  2.  we haven't go to the theatre this month.- present perfect потому что this month  3. have you had holiday this year? — not yet. - present perfect потому что yet4. what are your plans for summer? — i haven't think about it yet.  - present perfect потому что yet 5. we discussed some of these problems last time. - past simple потому что last6. when did you buy this car? — two years ago. - past simple потому что when

1- today i am for the first time in an english school. i am very worried because i do not speak english. the teacher came up to me and began to say something. i did not understand, but the guys who were passing by realized that i do not speak the language, and gladly helped me. 2- once i had not donr homework and i copied it from my friend's. the teacher noticed that, and i felt ashamed in front of her. 3- i was rocking on a chair and was unable to keep my balance and fell down. the whole class laughed, but i was embarrassed.

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