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Перевести предложния с аннглийского на : уроки тех девочек всегда интересные, тетради и книги тех мальчиков не всегда чистые,ручка моего брата синяя а моя черная, утята тех уток черные а цыплята тех кур желтые, словарь этого судента большой

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lessons the girls are always interesting, notebooks and books of those boys are not always clean, the handle of my brother and my blue black ducklings those black ducks and chickens are those chickens are yellow, this dictionary is very large sudenta.

1) haven't gotten used to 2) learn 3) is written 4) have learnt 5) wants 6) started 7) were put off 8) weren't done 9) kept 10) change 11) didn't change 12) were negelcted 13) were needed 14) taught

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