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Ingredients (ингредиенты) three onions (3 луковицы) three turnips (3 репы) one carrot (одна морковь) four potatoes (четыре картофелины) 100 g butter (100 грамм сливочного масла) 150 g ham (150 грамм ветчины) a bunch of parsley (один пучок петрушки) a spoonful of flour (1 ложка муки) 2 litres of broth (2 литра бульона) 0.5 litre of boiling milk (0.5 литра кипячёного молока) a pinch of salt and sugar (щепотка соли и сахара)preparation first peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes. next put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley. pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour and mix well. after that add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up; keeping it stirred; skim it.then add a litlle salt and sugar and run it trough a sieve into another pan. finally boil again.

1.his computer is not yet connected to the internet. 2. children are usually not allowed to play with matches. 3. my sweater is made in scotland. it is made of wool. 4. she was forced to tell the truth. 5. in an interview he was asked the usual questions. 6.this film was shown last week. 7. your bills are still not paid, but they need to pay on time. 8. all of your skirts should be podkormit, and then your appearance will change. 9. — what made this furniture? — i think it's made of pine. 10. these shoes are very comfortable. they are made of leather. 11. she was advised to go on a diet. 12. what was the document signed? 13. all wedding preparations were done by friday. 14. when we arrived in london, the portrait gallery was just renovated. 15. glass breaks easily. 16. such problems are easily solved. 17. detective novels sell well. 18. dry leaves burn quickly. 19.the village was destroyed by an earthquake. 20. this blouse is bad erased. i usually put it in the washing machine.

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