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Перевидите на : самый популярный кружок у моих друзей это лёгкая атлетика. потому что там надо бегать а мои друзья все любят бегать! это тоже перевести на язык: девочки бы выбрали кружок танцов потому что девочка все любят потанцевать а мальчишки бы выбрали кружок по футболу потому что все мальчики любят играть в футбол

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Ответы на вопрос:

The most popular circle of my friends is athletics. because they need to run and my friends all love to run!

The most popular circle of my friends is athletics. because there have to run and my friends all love to run!           girls would choose circle tantsov because the girl everyone loves to dance and the boys would choose a circle football because all the boys love to play football

1. did my son (take part in a performance )at his school (yesterday? 2. do some children prefer (books) to noisy games? 3. did we move to lviv in 1989? 4. did my (niece) begin (playing the piano) (at an early age? 5. did a lot of) famous writers have to work hard in their youth (to earn their living? 6. did dickens decide to write a play of his own when he was about six?

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