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Вставить правильно слово: 1.would he ( like/likes) some sweet? he can ( take/to take/takes) five sweets. he (take/to take/takes) a lot of sweets. 2.the (farmer/farmers) likes the tractor. 3. cats (like/likes) milk. 4. my sister likes (ride/to ride) a (bike/bikes). she can (ride/to ride). 5. he ( to live/live/lives) on a (farm/farms). he likes ( to live/live/lives) there.. your brother can ( to live/live/lives) there too. would he (like/likes) to live on a farm?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.would he like some sweet? he can take five sweets. he  takes a lot of sweets. 2.the farmer likes the tractor. 3. cats like milk. 4. my sister likes to ride a  bike. she can  ride.  5. he lives on a farm. he likes to live there.. your brother can live there too. would he like to live on a farm?

1you don't like chocolate. 2 she isn't studying at the moment. 3 we often go to the cinema. 4 he doesn't usually do his homework. 5 they don't eat rice every day. 6 we don't study every night. 7 do you like spicy food? 8 does she go to scotland often? 9 is he eating now? 10 we are going to the cinema this weekend. 11 they are studying now. 12 i clean the kitchen every day. 13 she works every sunday. 14 we aren't sleeping now. 15 he doesn't go to the park very often. 16 it rains a lot of here. 17 i am going on holiday tomorrow.

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