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Сочинение на языке , тема "оружие третьей мировой войны" на 200-250 слов

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                      weapon of the third world war.

work on this weapon began at the time of president reagan. within a strategic defensive initiative the image of the ideal weapon of new generation - the beam weapon on new physical principles also was created. at that time the american scientists actively worked over creation of effective laser systems. they wrongly believed that powerful lasers become the main element of defensive system. in russia works in this direction also were conducted and even tests of the fighting laser over the american space shuttles were carried out. on sara-shagan range the powerful laser terra-3 installation which radiation was tested on themselves by "challenger's" crew members in 1984 when flying over the region of lake balkhash was constructed. the laser beam broke work of electronic equipment and caused the strongest indispositions of astronauts.

works on the beam weapon proceed and in the third millennium. according to the new scientist magazine (october 24, 2001) the generators of microwave radiation intended for remote impact on crowds of people are already created. according to the magazine, the radiator influences a human body a narrow microwave bunch. waves get under skin and quickly "heat up" an influence zone to temperature of 45 degrees on celsius and above. it inevitably causes painful shock and even consciousness loss in the people subjected to influence of this weapon.

unfortunately, all radiators developed still correspond to an image of the ideal beam weapon more very few. to all fault extremely small efficiency of any radiator, including laser devices. in them only insignificant share of energy of a rating are transformed to energy of a light beam that is absolutely not enough for destruction of remote objects. no updatings help, beginning from the eksimerny laser and finishing the laser with a nuclear rating.






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