1. самолёт взлетел в 11 часов вечера. 2. он быстро убежал, ни с кем не попрощавшись. 3. мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы отнесли словари в библиотеку. 4. марта подарила свою коллекцию марок младшей сестре. 5 никогда не теряй надежды и никогда не говори никогда. 6. когда вы раздадите наши контрольные работы сэр? . 7. не забудь записать адрес её электронной почты. 8. не могу разобраться то, что он говорит. 9. она довольно молода но любит краситься. 10. мы думаем, что джон характером пошёл в отца. перевеедите на плз

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Ответы на вопрос:

Aircraft took off at 11 pm. 2. he quickly ran away, with no one saying goodbye. 3 i would like you to have carried dictionaries in the library. march 4, gave his stamp collection younger sister. 5 never lose hope and never say never. 6 when you are giving away our test papers sir? . 7 do not forget to write down her e-mail address. 8 i can not understand what he says. 9 it is quite young but loves to paint. 10 we think that the character of john went to his father.

1. aircraft took off at 11 pm. 2. he quickly ran away, with no one saying goodbye. 3. i would like you to have carried dictionaries in the library. 4.  march gave his stamp collection younger sister. 5 never lose hope and never say never. 6.when you are giving away our test papers sir? . 7 do not forget to write down her e-mail address. 8 i can not understand what he says. 9. it is quite young but loves to paint. 10. we think that the character of john went to his father.

eachman has their owntastes andcontrol! prepochteniyain clothes.each hasits own internaldress code,something that makeswomen buyare the thingsthat conforms tothe concept ofthe norm inherclothes.the same can besaid of theself-perceptionandself-esteem.onecanvytidropsout withoutmake-up, the other,nothaving time to reallywake up,runs fora dressing tableto imposethe usualmakeup.one womanwill never goout withneraschesannymihair anddirty clothes.anotherevenbothernotabout that.designers offerusmany fashiontrends, anditsvision of the "can-can."but not allproposedglobalmastersof fashion,weare ready to applyto themselves.

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