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Переведите текст на . уэльс является частью соединенного королевства великобритании и северной ирландии. столица уэльса - кардифф. с запада уэльс омывается ирландским морем. на севере уэльса находится национальный парк сноудония и вторая по высоте гора великобритании - сноудон. жители уэльса - валлийцы - говорят на двух языках - и валлийском. они считаются превосходными певцами. один из символов уэльса - музыкальный инструмент - арфа. валлийцы также любят спорт, особенно такую игру, как регби.

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Wales is part of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and wales .stolitsa -kardiff .s west wales bordered by the irish sea .on north wales is snowdonia national park and the second highest mountain of great britain, wales, snowdon .zhiteli the welsh -they bilingual and -english welsh, they are considered excellent pevtsami.odin symbol of wales -music tool harp .valliytsy also love sports, ossobenno a game like rugby

1great britain has the official name – the united kingdom of great britain   and northern ireland (or uk – for short).2  the british isles lie in the north-west of europe.  they consist of two large islands, great britain and ireland, 3 the territory of the united kingdom is about 244 square kilometres. his the 75th place among other countries in the world.   4 the united kingdom is made up of four countries: england, wales, scotland and northern ireland-  5 the capital of the country is london.  the 4 capitols of the united kingdom are : england is london, wales  is cardiff, scotland is edinburgh and northern ireland is belfast.6    the two houses of the parliament of the united kingdom (the house of lords and the house of commons) are based at the palace of westminster,    in london.  7 the british parliament is the oldest in the  world.  it originated in th 12th century as witenagemot,  8    britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch – queen elisabeth ii as a head of state. 

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