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1. ты завтра будешь читать про москву? 2.я на следующей неделе буду участвовать в соревнование по конькобежному спорту. 3.мы не будем говорить о загрязнении через 5 уроков. 4.он присматривает за своим братом. 5.ты знаешь опасные болезни? 1. are you curios? 2. do you want to take part in the horseracing competition? 3. can you tell us about ottawa? 4. does he think about the future? 5. is he afraid of the test in english?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.will  you read about moscow tomorrow? 2.i  will  participate in the  speed skating competition  next week. 3.we  won't  speak about pollution after 5 lessons 4.he  looks  after his brother 5.do  you  know dangerous diseases? 1.ты  любопытный? 2.ты  хочешь  принять участие в соревновании по конному спорту? 3.ты  можешь  рассказать нам об оттаве? 4.он  думает о  будущем? 5.он  боится  теста по ?

Will you read about moscow tomorrow?

On the bank of the hudson river there was a little village, where people told many stories about ghosts. the most terrible was about the horseman without head. many years ago there was a teacher-crane , who loved the daughter of a rich farmer - katrina. one night they were invited to the party. crane prepared properly and took the best horse. at the party there were a lot of people. crane found katrina and they had a conversation. after it crane became upset and decided to go home. on the road he remembered the ghost story.his horse stopped and he noticed the man with head in his hands. crane tried hard to get away from him. but when he managed to do it, he ran away and horseman threw his head on crane. crane fell of the horse. next morning people found the horse but nobody saw the school teacher himself

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