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Перевести предложения с на с глаголом have got,has got1)у них нет братьев. 2)у твоей сестры есть адвокат? 3)у меня не было словаря. 4)у него есть водитель. 5)какой словарь у неё есть?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)they have not got brothers 2)has your sister got a lawyer? 3)i have not got a dictionary 4)he has got a driver 5)which dictionary has she got?

1. protect people of some professionsshould wear protective  clothing. - 2. nature if you care about the protectionof the environment, you should buy only natural food with no added chemicals. - 3. ecology you have probably already heardabout such a profession as an ecologist . - 4. predict scientists have made predictions  and theyare alarming. - 5. use many things that we throw awaycan still be used.

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