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Iv. перефразируйте, употребив пассивную форму сказуемого (исполнителя действия можно не указывать,если в этом нет необходимости), и переведите новые предложения модель: each piece of equipment is we test each piece of tested very carefully. - equipment very carefully каждый образец оборудования испытывают тщательно. 1. the british invented table tennis first in about 1880. 2. first players named the game differently: gossima, whiff whaff and ping pong. 3. mr goode's idea had completely changed the style and speed of table tennis. 4. at present people from all over the world play table tennis. 5. tennis fans developed the idea of table tennis into other kinds of tennis.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the table tennis was first invented in about 1880 (by the british). 2. the game was named differently (by first players):   3. the speed and the style of table tennis had been completely changed by mr goode's idea. 4. at present  table tennis is played by people  all over the world. 5. the idea of table tennis was developed into other kinds of tennis (by tennis fans).

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