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1. put the words into the correct order: 1. tv, ann, does, how often, watch? 2. like, you, are, looking, why, me, at, that? 3. she, soon, library, will, return, from. 4. is, the, man, trying, to open, of, your, the door, car. 5. been, to, london, you, have, ever? 6. before, never, met, man, have, i, that. 7. garden, aunt’s, country, a, beautiful, in, stands, my, house. 8. were, day, we, the, speaking, problem, times, this, many, during, about. 9. worry, do, not! 10. you, like, please, coffee, would, some!

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Ответы на вопрос:

How often does ann watch tv why are you looking at me like that she will return from library soon the man is trying to open the door of your car have you ever been to london i have never met that man before do not worry would you like some coffee, please

Много чудесных вещей, которые слышишь, видишь принадлежит   тебе и мне. солнце, деревья, трава, небо желтая луна, проходящая мимо. дующие ветра, пение птиц яркость осенних лесов, радость весенних цветов, холод долгой зимы со снегом такой белый, бегущие реки, звезды в ночи.

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