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Исправить ошибки, людии i have created a fashion club. if you loke fashion clothes? then you in my club. here we teach you how to choose clothes beautifully. you can also make your own hands decorations for your outfit. also in my club we discussed fashion magazines and commenting styles actress. i'll wait for you in my trendy club

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave opened a new  fashion club. do  you like fashion clothes? then welcome to my club. here we'll teach you how to dress  beautifully. in addition, you will be able to  make your own hands decorations for your outfit. also we'll discuss new modern fashion magazines and give  comments about actresses'  styles. i'll wait for you in my trendy club.

Have they got ;

Mike's wife


Нas ставят с местоимениями he,she,it.

Have ставят с остальными местоимениями.

Чтобы указать чью-то пренадлежность мы пишем знак ' после его «владельца» и добавляем s.

Если «владельцев» несколько или много – знак ' пишем после s.

Надеюсь тебе понятно. Если не поняла–пиши мне) Удачи, солнышко!

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