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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.между словами ставим один пробел. записываем/вводим только необходимую форму глагола возле соответствуещего номера! частицу not не соращать и обстоятельства времени не записывать! -i usually don`t have breakfast before i () to work -when the doorbell () he () up and (14) (go) to the door. -are you the boy whose dog was barking all night long? -i`m sorry, but you () mistaken,sir. i never (16) (have) a dog. -if it ( (not to stop) raining we won`t be able to go boating tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iusually don`t have breakfast before i (11) go) to work -when the doorbell (12)  rings) he (13)  stands) up and (14) goes) to the door. -are  you the boy whose dog was barking all night long? -i`m sorry, but you  (15) are mistaken,sir. i have  never (16)  had a dog. -if it (17) does not stop raining we won`t be able to go boating tomorrow.

12) went


14) put




18) singing


20) driving

21) was, writing

22)came, took

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