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Укажите грамматическую конструкцию в каждом предложении (gerund – герундий, participle – причастие и conditional clause – условное придаточное предложение): 1. while driving a car one should be very attentive. 2. living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air. 3. the problems discussed at the last conference were interesting. 4. it’s no use crying over spilt milk. 5. had they applied the new method, the result would have been much better.

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1. while driving (participle i) a car one should be very attentive. 2. living (gerund) in little stuffy rooms means breathing (gerund) poisonous air. 3. the problems discussed (participle ii) at the last conference were interesting. 4. it’s no use crying (gerund) over spilt milk. 5. had they applied the new method (conditional clause), the result would have been much better.   1 во время (=, =находясь за рулем) автомобилем, нужно быть внимательным. 2 жить в маленьких душных комнатах значит дышать ядовитым воздухом. 3. проблемы, которые обсуждались на последней конференции, были интересны. 4 слезами горю не . 5 если бы они применили новый метод, результат был бы намного лучше.

Think the most extended ones hobby in our country is kompyuter.deti come from school and immediately begin to play in the most kompyuter.tem they spoil eyesight and psihiku.no many teens do not have hobbi.moe hobby is dancing, i always liked children tantsevat.v garden i have always acted with different tantsami.kazhdy dance in its interesen.i osobennosti.ochen has a lot of dance comes to us from latin america and from other countries.

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