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Переведите на , используя герундий (активный или пассивный залог) 1. я люблю поплавать в тѐплом море. мой друг предпочитает читать вечером. 2. они отрицали, что взяли деньги. 3. борис не выносит курения в комнате. 4. мы не смогли препятствовать их приходу. 5. он привык читать в постели. 6. эту страну стоит посетить. 7. лена уверена, что будет приглашена на день рождения. 8. не возражай против своего участия в проекте. 9. тебе следует держаться в стороне от общения с этим плохим человеком. 10. его родители с нетерпением ждали приезда друзей. 11. после открытия окна, воздух стал свежим.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1 i like swimming in the warm sea. my friend prefers read in the evening. 2 they denied having taken the money. 3 boris can't stand smoking in the room. 4 we could not prevent them from coming. 5 he was in the habit of reading in bed. 6 this country is worth visiting. 7 lena is sure of being invited to a birthday party. 8 don't object to your taking part in the project. 9 you should avoid communicating with this bad man. 10 his parents looked forward to their friends coming 11 after the window having been opened, the air became fresh.

Dear olga!

i've just received a letter from you! i am so glad to hear that you have entered the university you wanted! congratulations to you and to your family. as for me, i’ve started yoga classes two weeks ago. yoga turned out to be really cool! of course i can't do all the asanas that our instructor does but i try, i really try to do my best. if i improve enough, the coach would take me to india to attend authentic yoga courses. by the way, how are your training sessions going? i've seen the pics – you are the one true champion! i’m sure you’re up to winning lots of medals this season!

give my best regards to your mom,


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