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Написать на языке про внешность любой знаменитости (не менее 10 предложений). !

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This person of high growth, is shortly cut, hair fair-haired, direct. the person good-natured, opened, eyes gray. lips chubby, dimples on cheeks. cheekbones high, it is smoothly shaved. the nose is a bit snub-nosed. it is wide in shoulders, carries a gray suit from expensive fabric, fashionable trousers, a white shirt with a collar, at a tie. leather shoes. it is charming, young. brad pitt. этот человек высокого роста, коротко подстрижен, волосы русые, прямые. лицо добродушное, открытое, глаза серые. губы пухлые, ямочки на щеках. скулы высокие, гладко выбрит. нос немного курносый. широк в плечах, носит серый костюм из дорогой ткани, модные брюки, белую рубашку с воротничком, при галстуке. кожаные туфли. обаятелен, молод. бред питт.

1/ i have lost mine.2/  i have not met3/  nina has just finished.  4/  where is sergei, he has gone, he left.  5/ what are you reading, i am reading.  6/ they read, have you read. 7/ my watch has stopped, there is.  8/ have you seen, i saw.  9/   have you heard, i have, when did you hear, i heard.  10/ you have changed, has anything happen 11/ what  are  you  doing  here at such a late hour?   are  you  writing  your composition? - no, i  have written  it  already. i  am working  at my report. - and  when  did  you  write  your composition? – i  finished    it  two days ago. 12/ i  said  tom let’s have dinner. - no, thank you, i  have  already  had    dinner. 13/ what  is  the weather   like?   is  it still  raining  ? - no, it has  stopped  raining

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