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Друзья, переведите на язык 1) она всегда хотела побывать в лондоне летом. 2) ты когда-нибудь был в арктике? 3) на днях моя мама купила мне красивое платье. 4) когда начал идти снег? 5) когда твой папа был в москве в последний раз? 6) зимние температуры в москве стали выше. 7) мария никогда не видела биг бен. 8) прошлой осенью часто шёл дождь.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) she has always wanted to go to london in summer. 2) have you ever been in arcric? 3) my mum bought me a nice dress the other day. 4) when did it start snowing? 5) when was your father in moscow last time? 6) in moscow temperature in winter has increased. 7) maria has never seen big ben. 8) it often rained last autumn.

2.f 3.e 4.a 5.d 6.b

2. Do your friends play computer games at the weekend?    Yes, they do

3. Do the boys kick the ball around in the park?     No, they don't

4.Doees your mom go to town on Saturday afternoons?   Yes, she does

5. Do Simon's brother go skateboarding on Saturday mornings? No, he doesn't

6. Do you meet your friends at the weekend?  Yes, I do

2. Why

3. Does

4. Who

5. Get

6. When

2 Doesn't Arthur spend his weekend at the bowling alley?

3.Doesn't Jackie stay in bed on Saturday mornings?

4. Doesn't Alex think Sunday evenings are boring?

5. Don't Kylie and her sister have a party most weekends

6.Don't young parents listen to rap music?

7. Don't young people wear some great clothes?


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