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Переведите текст на только не через переводчики. александр сергеевич пушкин родился 26 мая(6 июня) 1799 года в москве и умер 29 января(10 февраля)1837.пушкин до своей карьеры в 7 лет писал стихи.он часто ходил в театр с бабушкой.он создал кота-ученого,невиданых зверей,тридцать три богатыря и многих других.кот представлял из себя серого кота с книгой в руках и очками.невиданых зверей пушкин описывал как они бррдили по лесу и оставляли отпечатки лап.а тридцать три богатыря -сильные мужики с копьями и щитами.

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Ответы на вопрос:

alexander sergeyevich pushkin was born    may 26 ( june 6) 1799 years in moscow and died     january 29 ( february 10) 1837.pushkin before the career in 7 years wrote verses. it often went to theater with the grandmother. he created kot scientist, the unprecedented animals, thirty three athletes and many other. the cat was a gray cat with the book in hands and points.  pushkin described unprecedented animals as they wandered on the wood and left prints of paws. and thirty three athletes - strong men with copies and boards.

alexander sergeyevich pushkin was born    may 26 ( june 6) 1799 years in moscow and died     january 29 ( february 10) 1837.pushkin before the career in 7 years wrote verses. it often went to theater with the grandmother. he created kot scientist, the unprecedented animals, thirty three athletes and many other. the cat was a gray cat with the book in hands and points.  pushkin described unprecedented animals as they wandered on the wood and left prints of paws. and thirty three athletes - strong men with copies and boards.

1. for me are important days this sunday and saturday so as this weekend days

2. my next holiday is sunday.

3. yes received on holidays

4. yes there is a new year we celebrate his homes 31 december

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