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Переведите на язык,обращая внимание на употребление артикля. 1. какой прекрасный цветок! 2. какой хороший друг! 3. вчера ивановы уехали в киев. 4. вечером наша семья дома. 5. москва - столица россии. 6. это - мой дом. дом - новый. 7. летом мы жили в деревне на реке дон. 8. он учитель или инженер по профессии? 9. мы - студенты колледжа. 10 посмотрите на картинку на странице десять.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.what a beautiful flower! 2.what a good friend! 3.the ivanovs went to kiev yesterday. 4.in the evening our family is at home. 5.moscow is the capital of russia. 6.this is my house. the house is new . 7.in summer we lived in the village on the don river . 8.is he a teacher or an engineer by profession? 9.we are the students of the college. 10. look at the picture on page ten .

Who played snowballs with their friends last winter? what did we play with our friends last winter? we played snowballs with our friends last winter, didn't  we? did we play snowballs with our friends last winter? did we play snowballs or hockey with our friends last winter?

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