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Яперевела предложенияорганизация для девочек и мальчиков которая учит их практическим вещам! решите этот красфорт мне нужно ! нужно отгадать слово, но не

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Да, ладно)) было интересно - scouts

They WANTED to see the whales which visited there just once a year. On the second day, David’s dad TOOK the children down to the beach to look for whales. The children WERE very excited. They WAITED for a long time, but no whales CAME. Then the weather

GOT foggy so they went home. They

DID this for three days but they didn’t see any whales. On the fifth day, they

TRIED again. They

SAT on some rocks in the sun. Katy said, “It doesn’t matter if we don’t see any whales because I’m so happy!”Then Katy started singing. After a few minutes, several whales appeared. David’s dad shouted, “Look! They heard you sing and they are coming to listen! I don’t believe it.” The animals

CAME very near to them. But when Katy

STOPPED singing they

SWAM away again while the children waved goodbye.


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